Nav Canada – Essentials of Customer Service – July


Professional Image: The Psychology of Perception
A universal perceptual tendency is to “judge a book by its cover”. We form lasting opinions based on what we see. In fact, over half of the impression you convey to others is based on appearance. The look of credibility, composure and professionalism must accompany the message for an audience or client to accept it. You must be believed to be heard, and we believe what we see.
Be sure to send the full message by visually presenting your professional credibility. This seminar is about attaining a professional presence that in all circumstances speaks well of you. Learn how your body language, dress and personal style impact the decisions others make of you and your ideas.
• The impact of appearance on client perceptions
• Powerful first impressions
• How to create the “look” of professional credibility
• The power of colour on visual communication
• Clothing signals and how to dress to gain respect
• Clothes you should never wear, and the clothes you must have
• Why it is critical to appear current (not trendy) with your appearance
• The distinctions between professional and business casual dress
• How to dress for clients and situations, urban/rural etc.
• Select and coordinate the appropriate design elements in business casual clothing
• Use appropriate colour coordination techniques when combining separates
• Choose the correct footwear, jewelry, outerwear, and accessories to complete their
business casual wardrobe
• How to look your best with minimal effort
• How to build a professional wardrobe on your budget
This seminar can be focused primarily on both Business Professional and Casual Dress. The workshop incorporates short lecture, clothing samples current to the season, a PowerPoint presentation, and interactive experiences to create an outstanding learning environment.

Personal Colour Analysis

An individual colour reading service will be provided for each person. This reading will also include an analysis of individual colour characteristics. A colour wallet is provided tailored to their skin tones and unique features. This provides a reference on how to correctly coordinate colour within one’s personal wardrobe.
Lynne will provide each person recommendations on clothing/accessories, makeup, eyewear (optional), and hair colour suited to their personal needs.

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