cpontario.ca Part 1Emotional Intelligence: The three most important EQ skills needed in business today. Most people realize that being emotionally…
Disruption… Opportunity… Prosperity We know we want to engage with our clients and grow our client base, but now it…
This webinar provides tips on how to successfully support your team and drive results, with empathy and understanding, as we…
Today we all face unprecedented change and uncertainty as we deal with the pandemic. To maintain control and confidence, employees…
Virtual Image and Networking Skills outline
Do your presentations have the impact you intend? Does your delivery grab and hold your audience's attention? Do your words…
Introducing our Emotional Intelligence half day virtual program event presented by Paul Byrne
Overview https://www.traininng.com/webinar/remote-presentations-:-how-to-make-them-engaging-and-productive-201675live Suddenly you are working remotely and doing on-line presentations. If you are wondering how to be more effective,…
Overview https://www.traininng.com/webinar/professional-presence:-the-essentials-of-confidence,-credibility-and-composure-201674live Presence is personality projected. A presence that speaks well of an individual is one that projects credibility, composure,…
These are unprecedented and uncertain times. Many of us are looking for ways to stay connected while working remotely. Now…