Emotional Intelligence: The three most important EQ skills needed in business today (February 18 – Trainning.com)


February 18 on Trainning.com

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Most people realize that being emotionally smart helps in business, and there’s no shortage of empirical evidence to suggest that this realization is pretty accurate. The real question is: can people learn to be more emotionally smart? The answer is, yes. As with all forms of intelligence, there is a natural aptitude, nature, and a learned component, nurture.

Individuals displaying high emotional quotients likely got lucky in both areas, born with the abilities and surrounded by good role models. Another way to boost your skills is by attending an experiential webinar that provides a nurturing of abilities.
This, do not miss, webinar gets to the heart of what matters most in our daily interactions with colleagues, clients, family and friends emotion.

We explore three areas that each participant brings to their interactions: Curiosity, Resilience, and Empathy.
Curiosity, Resilience: Interested versus Interesting
Revive the most important emotional skill to likeability. Realize that money (business, goodwill) flows in the direction of biographical knowledge. Think your way to a happier life.

Empathy: Gold Standard of Emotional Intelligence
Incorporate the gold standard of emotional intelligence into your life.
Like a rare commodity this skill predominates in high-performers but is available to all.

The research is compelling; emotional intelligence in the workplace is fundamental to effectiveness. Over my decades of teaching in the academic and corporate world I’ve seen first-hand how individuals prosper personally and professionally when given the chance to improve their emotional intelligence.

Why you should Attend

How is it that some people seem to coast through even the most difficult circumstances with relative ease while others are floored by them? Why is it that some employees almost never have a customer complaint made against them even if they make the same mistake as everyone else does? And why do we like going for coffee with one person more than with another? Because some people are more emotionally smart than others. And as a result they’re more resilient, more empathetic, and more interesting.

Does this mean that some people, “got it” and others don’t? Thankfully, no. We all can reap the benefits of being emotionally intelligent because much of emotional I.Q. (E.Q.) is learned. Sure, there is a genetic component to this type of intelligence, but by being open to change anyone can increase their EQ. They just need to be taught the skills needed.

There are a number of factors to be considered when determining EQ:  Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Adaptability, Stress Management, and General Mood. In my 25 years plus teaching communication skills and emotional intelligence I’ve noticed three attributes that rise to the surface for those who experience professional satisfaction: resilience, empathy, and curiosity.

Areas Covered in the Session

Learn the skills of emotionally connecting with prospective and existing clients.
Learn the simple skills of authentic client communication by knowing how to tap into the autobiographical urge of others.
Asking the right questions at the right time builds your emotional foundation with existing, or prospective clients.
Learn the power of empathy and the importance of listening well.

Curiosity (connecting emotionally)

  • Recognize the power of small talk for building relationships
  • Tap into the autobiographical urge of existing and prospective customers
  • Realize that business flows in the direction of biographical knowledge
  • Learn to make connections through intelligent inquiry

Resilience (overcoming self-imposed barriers)

  • Uncover the underpinning of confidence: realistic self-regard, positive perceptions
  • Appreciate the think, feel, behave dynamic and how reality testing improves our attitude
  • Program yourself for success through accurate thinking
  • Learn to tolerate the stresses of that upset our balance and affect our performance

Empathy (being our best self)

  • Listen to make every person feel important and understood
  • Appreciate the importance and power of empathy to career success
  • Incorporate empathy to be at our best during difficult interactions
  • Choose and apply specific communication strategies to maximize their persuasive influence
  • Harness the emotional component to assertiveness in promoting ideas

Who Will Benefit

  • Executive Level
  • Sales
  • Pretty much everyone else too!
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