Value and Respect

Unlike the weather, we control the communication climate in which we work. It’s up to us to decide if it’s going to be positive and confirming or negative and pessimistic.
Client negotiations can sometimes leave us feeling frustrated when we feel the client is being unreasonable. Our responses in these situations will have an impact on the present negotiations, engagement with the file, future business, and so on. Dealing with difficult clients requires that we be at our best under pressure. To engage clients with tact, diplomacy, skill, and compassion are the hallmarks of learned communication competence. Our responses to these clients must be based on professional integrity and assertive communication while still maintaining a supportive communication climate. We need to explore the underpinnings of unreasonable requests and behaviours in order to understand them and move ahead with supportive professionalism.
Learn how to expand your listening capabilities and become a more effective communicator. Listening is a learned skill that typically has been ignored as such; consequently, it’s our worst communication skill. Learn to take in greater amount of information, hear what’s not being said, and build relationships in this powerful session.
mbg’s Programs can give you an enlightening look at the control we have over our workplace environment:

  • Delve into the psychology of our workplace behaviours and its influence on others.
  • Understand the importance of creating a supportive workplace climate.
  • Use language that fosters supportiveness rather than defensiveness.
  • Listen as a tool to build goodwill.
We can’t control the weather, but we can create a workplace climate which respects privacy, fosters cohesion, and enhances professionalism.
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